Did you know…
The most efficient way to place an order with APTech Group is to email orders@aptechsolids.com . This email address is continually monitored by various members of our production team. Once an order is received, a member of our team will email you with expected ship date. Of course, we are always happy to take orders placed over the phone, sent in via fax, or emailed to our sales team.
APTech Group will make every attempt to meet your requested delivery deadline. We are currently running at a five business day lead time for all standard products and a ten day lead time for equipment orders. Please keep this in mind when placing rush orders, and especially when ordering specialty products.
APTech Group accepts credit cards, which are charged on day of shipment. If this is something you are interested in, please email katie.lee@aptechsolids.com.
Please contact us with any questions: sales@aptechsolids.com