A typical chemical water treatment delivery system requires mixing of two or three corrosive chemicals into a day tank. Best case traditional scenarios have eliminated operator mixing, whereby the blended chemical is supplied in a liquid form, but once on-site still needs to be pumped into the system being treated. In each case, there is a worker exposure element that must be addressed due to the caustic nature of these items. Using AP Tech solid-chemistry products and delivery systems eliminates these exposure concerns and the related liability issues.
The first priority in considering your need for solid-chemistry is always the safety of people. In other words, is anyone’s health being affected by the chemicals you’re using or their contact with them? If the answer is “yes”, then you should immediately begin implementing a plan to minimize this exposure.
A secondary consideration is the potential for incorrectly mixing incompatible chemicals, resulting in wasted product, or worse, the violent reaction that might occur-resulting in toxic gases or vapor release.
One last exposure/handling issue is the physical work it takes to move a drum of chemical – some weighing as much as 500 lbs. Accidents such as back injuries or smashed fingers (when setting these over-sized drums into place) can easily be eliminated by utilizing AP Tech solid chemistry and delivery systems.
Until end-users begin to re-think their chemical dispensing philosophy, or come under a clear mandate from regulatory authorities, traditional dosing systems will continue to be employed. Still, with an ever-increasing desire to minimize chemical exposure, AP Tech Solid-Chemistry offers efficiency and safety benefits that clearly establish it as a best practices approach.