Reduce Your NaOH Risk
Liquid water treatment products require a pH adjustment for the active ingredients to remain in solution. The pH adjustments are made by adding Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH, commonly referred to as caustic soda) to the mixture, sometimes up to 20%. Sodium Hydroxide is hazardous because it is highly corrosive, and its production requires the use of large amounts of electricity.
Sodium Hydroxide is produced in what is referred to as alkali cell. Brine (NaCl) is extracted from the earth and is split by electrolysis into its components, Chlorine and Sodium. From this method, NaOH is produced. As one might imagine, this reaction or splitting, takes a vast amount of energy (electricity). The power consumption of a standard chlor-alkali cell is well documented.
Blended solid concentrate products from APTech Group do not require the addition of Sodium Hydroxide for controlling pH. By eliminating the use of Sodium Hydroxide in water treatment for just one cooling tower atop a 20-story office building (Twenty 100-lb drums of liquid water treatment per year), an estimated 2,000 pounds of NaOH would be saved by eliminating its use in water treatment products as an additive to control pH.
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