Upgrade your water treatment programs. Switch to SOLID CHEMISTRY
We understand that every situation is unique, and finding the right water treatment solution to treat your cooling, boiler, and closed-loop systems is crucial not only to keep the systems running efficiently but also for your bottom line. That’s why we developed the “Best Fit Guides” to help you make an informed decision about whether or not solids are right for you.
Discover why over 10,000 facilities have already switched to solids and join the wave!
If you’re using pails or drums of liquid chemistry, it may be time to upgrade your water treatment program. Switch to solid chemistry and experience peace of mind knowing that you’re using proven and reliable chemistry and equipment. Also experience additional benefits such as no heavy lifting, no spill potential, ease of transport, and shipping savings. It’s a win-win!
Get our guides to validate whether solids are a good fit for your cooling, boilers, and/or closed-loop system
Email us at or fill out the web form below.